Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Notes from a Teacher
David Moody

Forget the media image of teens, forget the movies. Films like Thirteen are nothing but nasty adult exploitation of youth. Of course kids get into drugs and sex and violence, but I really wonder why... What do teenagers need? What do they want from you? At least these three things: that you love them, that you respect them, and that you lead them. The last is just as important as the first: teens need a firm hand a lot of the time. But if they feel your love and respect for them, if you treasure their forthrightness, they will generally trust you enough to let you guide them.

When this happens, their teen years may turn out to be the happiest of their lives. And why shouldn’t they?

To read the rest of this interesting article click here.

~What do you think of David's approach? What do teens really need? Do you have any proof for your thoughts on this important question? On the other side, how do you remember your teen years? Were they the 'happiest of your life?'

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