Wednesday, February 16, 2005

New Progress

Bathroom Tile
Originally uploaded by Jerod McPherson.
There has been only a little progress on the house over the past few days, but alot of things are coming together all at once. It is a very exciting time and we can hardly believe it.

I am heading for Michigan and Jen and the Kids are in Camden for the weekend. We are really looking forward to the the weekend of the 25-27, because we have something very special planned for the kids (really for all of us) on that weekend.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Another Hand-written Attempt

This is a song that I wrote for Zoe sometime ago. She has really enjoyed singing it lately.

Zoe's Coy

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Official Hand-written Music

I have been working on some songs for the children and on a very crude way to record them. Here is a test run of a recording I made for Abby with the guitar and the laptop. I hope to put down a song we did for Zoe Grace in the near future. One day we will record our own music from the home studio with all the latest toys, until then, I'm singing into the laptop and enjoying every minute of it.

Wake Up Abby - Rough First Cut

Abigail Ann

She truly is a dancer and brings so much joy to us everyday.

View from front door

View from front door
Originally uploaded by Jerod McPherson.
Things are really happening quickly on the house. Today they have been working on the cabinets and tiling the shower. Click on the link under the picture to see more.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Joby's missing teeth

Joby's missing teeth
Originally uploaded by Jerod McPherson.
The other day, as the boys will sometimes do, a game was made up involving tossing an old two-liter bottle full of water. (Comic mayhem ensues) Sure enough, the simple game escalated into a two-liter war ending abruptly with Joby getting smacked square in the mouth with a full two-liter bottle that was flying from across the room.

As if the bloody lips and bruised gums weren't enough, His one remaining front baby tooth was hit pretty hard, causing it to sort of twist in its spot. The result was not too pretty to look out, but Joby get working on it until it fell out later that day.

Just goes to show that computers and video games will never take the place of good 'ole living room rambunchiousness. (is that even a word?) You can see more recent pics of the kids by clicking the link under Joby's pic.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Weekend tour of the Roads of Southern Arkansas

This past weekend, we burned up the highways here in Southern Arkansas. Thursday night late we drove from Mena to Camden. Then Friday morning it was over to Texarkana to shop for fans and fixtures for the house on Iron Mountain. Friday night we drove from Texarkana to Camden. Saturday morning we headed back to Texarkana and from there up to DeQueen, where we had a youth event in the evening. Here are some pics from that fun night at First Baptist Dequeen.

Playing Music Playing Music

After the event, we drove back to Camden from Dequeen. The next morning we were with Judy and Winfield (jennifer's parents) at their church, and then drove from Camden to Mena. Three nights in a row we drove to Camden, all three nights a different route. All in all, a lot of driving, but alot of fun too.

Here are a few pics from the house as well. Things are continuing to move forward. They are painting and tiling bathrooms this week.

Joby in Great Room Walking to the House Master Bedroom

Zoe the Fairy

Zoe the Fairy
Originally uploaded by Jerod McPherson.
Time seems to be flying. My littlest is growing so fast, I can hardly keep it in perspective.
Her new thing is to ask if we like things. She says, "Dad, you like my hair?" "Dad, you like my dress?" "Dad, you like my eyes?"

Last night while Jen and I played some music, Abby and Zoe were dancing around the living room. Zoe came running up to us and said, "Dad, you like Abby's dance?"

What do you think I said?

Public perception of Christianity

Originally uploaded by Jerod McPherson.
Time's piece on Evangelicals is very interesting. Some of the recent swirl from this article has also been interesting. For interest to our discussions here on Forerunners, both McLaren and Colson are in the time list. (Although McLaren seems to resent the fact that he is lumped with the rest of them).

Even more worth a scan is the transcript from Larry King Live last night, where Larry had as his guests the LaHayes, Franklin Graham, T.D. Jakes, and McLaren. If I was scoring the participants in the discussion, I, personally, would have to declare Jakes the winner. (McLaren doesn't really fit with that group anyway, and all of his answers evidenced that.) Jakes seemed to be unshakable positive and I for one dig that.
What does all of this mass exposure tell you about the way people in our society see Christianity? Do they people in my neighborhood know the difference between a "conservative evangelical" and a "emergent disciple"? I'll go on record as saying that I think that there it is a good idea getting people like the Lahayes on TV. The more stories CNN and MSNBC can run about "right-wingers" the better. Can you guess why I think so?