Monday, January 12, 2004

The Good Life

It seems that we have had another great weekend. Aside from Zoe having some fever most of the weekend, we really had some good times. Friday evening some friends came over and we hung out and watched a movie. Saturday, we went over to Iron Mountain and put out some flags for the site work to be done on the new house (talk about exciting!). Later that afternoon we watched Playoff Football and played with Mighty Beanz. Yes, I did say Mighty Beanz. These beans must be the absolutely most low tech toy I have seen in years, and yet, we have already logged in more than a few hours playing with them. We had a good service Sunday Morning and then had lunch afterward with some friends. Sunday afternoon, zoe was feeling low, Zeke and I watched football and Abby and Joby played outside. All in all, a very relaxing weekend. We are spending the next few days getting ready for a CMA trip to Colorado Springs. Zeke has to have some dental work done today, and Abby's dance class is tomorrow. Other than that we are ready to head west!

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