Monday, December 13, 2004

Seeking God or seeking something else?

Its getting later in the afternoon and I have been working on my material for CMA. And I have begun to think that God isn’t going to do some radical life altering deal here in me this week at Subiaco. I came here ‘seeking God’ or so I said. But I wonder if that was true? I wanted God to reveal more to me. Maybe He would allow something to happen in my life that would change me for the better. Maybe something would take place that would cause Jennifer and the kids to wonder what happened to me. To allow me to have a vision or a dream or some kind of neat deal that would define me as a super spiritual – a jedi, if you will. The more I think about it, the more I agree with God. He isn’t causing a statue to speak to me or giving me a dream about Macedonia because he knows that I would probably heap an event like that onto my pride. God is showing me that even the noblest of desires to have a deep walk with God can be perverted by my own pride.
He has shown me what is good and what the He requires of me: to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with Him. Forgive me Lord for want more than you have so graciously given me.

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