Tuesday, February 10, 2004

40 year anniversary of the British Invasion

What happened following those first four appearances by the Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show in 1964 was unforescene and totally amazing. Not only was the musical world turned on its ear, but pop culture was practically invented. From that time on music and media would shape and mold our society in bigger ways than it ever had before. Certainly this cultural influence isn't entirely dependent on the weight of the talent of the Beatles, In fact, you could almost make an argument that Elvis, Rock and Roll, and the recent assasination of JFK were the powder and that John, Paul, George and Ringo were just the fuse. But to whatever degree you venerate the Beatles, you have to concede that 1964 was an interesting time in our history, a watershed of sorts. Check out this great article and tell me what you think.

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