Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Me and the Boys

Fall pics 009
Originally uploaded by Jerod McPherson.
This photo was taken over 4 weeks ago. It has taken me this long to get around to posting it. This was the day that all of our craziness for the month of October started in earnest. As we posed for this shot, we were getting ready to head to church, where MUZZLELOADER lead worship that morning. That afternoon started the CMA Leadership Conference, where Jennifer and I lead worship. Both events were very good. We had a number of CMA Youth Movement Leaders at the conference and hosted a prayer and dessert meeting in our home one of the nights. I have posted some pictures of that evening. It was very awesome to have leaders from different states and countries. To be able to pray with them while they sat on our couch was quite an honor. We are constantly amazed at the opportunities that God gives us.
The truth is I wanted to post this shot, because I could not be any prouder of my two sons. They are doing so well in there school work, maintaining a soft heart before God and hopefully becoming people who know how to love. Many, many thanks to God for His working in their lives and mine. The last rally here on Iron Mountain was especially impactful for their lives. I can only imagine where God is wanting to take them.

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