Sunday, September 18, 2005

Kin Thegither

In February, we began something we are very excited about and that we are enjoying very much. We call it 'Kin Thegither' and it means "Family together". It is basically just a family together weekend. We turn off all the phones, turn off the TV (except for movies or things that we all watch together) put up the video games and computers, and just hang out together. We cook together, play and watch movies. We move all the furniture and 'go to the mattresses' all together in the living room. We are going to try to do it a couple of times a year, so when we told the kids that we were planning to have Kin Thegither this week, they were thrilled. It was a cool weekend. The kids put on a show for us, dancing, singing and human videos. We absolutely loved it. Jen and I tried some new recipes and really had a blast. It is becoming a highlight of our year. Check out some of the photos by clicking the pic to the right

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