It was, as usual, a great week. We all enjoyed a trip over the Camden, Friday afternoon. We had a great meal with Jennifer's parents and then, like probably a lot of families with young children did this weekend, watched the Finding Nemo DVD. I have to admit, watching a film with a couple of your children on your lap is the highlight of any week. We all had a great time together.
I couldn't help being introspective after the movie. I wondered how many hours of my children's young lives I have missed due to worrying. In the film, Marlon, the father because of the loss of the past, cannot enjoy the present with his son, Nemo. Marlon, wonderfully voice acted by Albert Brooks, spends every moment of every experience attempting to guard Nemo from danger. While there is never any question of how much Marlon loves his son, Nemo begins to resent him for it. Sounds to me like Marlon wasn't doing too good a job of following Ephesians 6:4, "Fathers don't exasperate your children...". Sometimes I think that I might miss a great moment to share with my sons, because I am to worried about the future or what might happen. My worry is different than the worries of Marlon the clownfish. I tend to worry more along the lines of, "If I don't stay hard after these boys, they are going to 'turn out bad'." (Whatever that means?!?) The love of a father in me, wants to protect them, ensure their complete and total maturity, but my own prideful human nature thinks that I can do it completely on my own. What have I become if I worry about it too much? Eberhard Arnold said, "Do not worry. Worriers build life on wealth just as much as the wealthy. Look at the birds and flowers, and believe in the loving God, the Father who provides everything." It's sometimes hard to balance on the razors edge of watching and protecting on one side and not frustrating on the other.
Saturday we goofed around El Dorado and watched some football. Sunday morning we were in church with Jennifer's parents at Cullendale. Judy had me leading worship and it was a great morning. Winfield gave a very thought provoking message on the Second Coming. Sunday evening we rode back to Mena and got ready for another week.
On the way home, Jennifer and I talked about the next few weeks and how exciting/hectic they are going to be. We are all looking forward to our trip to Atlanta for Thanksgiving. Ezekiel is hoping and praying that we can go and see his beloved Titans who are playing November 23 at the Georgia Dome against the Falcons. It will be great to see my mom and dad and my brother and his family.
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