Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me.
Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ to the left of me, Christ to the right of me,
Christ in my lying, Christ in my sitting, Christ in my rising;
Christ in the heart of all who think of me,
Christ on the tongue of all who speak to me,
Christ in the eye of all who see me,
Christ in the ear of all who hear me.
excerpt from St. Patrick's Breastplate Prayer from Celtic Christian Spirituality:An anthology of Medieval and Modern Sources by Davies and Bowie
~I am thinking so often about walking in closer step with Jesus throughout the day. I'd like to learn what it means to be 'yoked' with Christ. He said his yoke (the demands of his teaching) was light and easy to endure. Keeping pace with Jesus is a blessing and a treat. This prayer helps my mind concieve in some small way just how connected I am with Jesus and just how present he is in every moment of every day. He is transcendent, yes, in all and through all, but how does he manage to be so personal? To borrow a phrase, 'There's no friend like the lowly Jesus". I hope that one day he can say the same about me.
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