Last night at soccer practice, I took Zoe into the middle of a huge field and let her walk. I sat her on the ground and told her to go anywhere she wanted to go. Watching her toddle across the field was incredible. She doesn't look ahead very much, most of her concentration was on the ground right in front of her, making sure she didn't stumble over something or walk into a hole. Every 10 or 15 steps she would stop and look over her shoulder just to make sure I was still following her. Then, after she knew I was still right behind here, she would turn and start walking again, almost aimlessly, but in full confidence that I was going with her.
But probably more enlightening to me is that I really enjoyed it too. I enjoy watching her. It's cool to see her attempt to go farther than she has ever been before, and it's awesome to study her learning processes. Most enjoyable though, was the feeling I got when she would look around and make sure that I was still walking with her. She felt safe and willing to go on as long as she knew I was right behind her.
You know sometimes I think my proud father's heart is just going to explode.
Later on in the night, Jen and I were talking about my experience with Zoe. I had never really stopped to think how Abba Father must enjoy 'going' with us through our life. Because I love them, being involved with my children is something I love to do; I enjoy it immensely. Does God enjoy it that much too? How does he feel when I pause, look toward him and make sure that I haven't gotten too many steps away?
I think he must like it. I think I'll try to do it more often.
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