As philosopher Yogi Berra so aptly put, "In baseball, you don't know nothing." I believe he's right. That's why you play the game isn't it? I mean who would have thought that the dismal start Marlins would hire a 70+ manager and they would be up a game on the Yankees in the Series? Very few people even in Miami would have bet money on that, and that illustrates that you don't always know how everything is going to turn baseball and in life. Jennifer and I look back and wonder how in the world we ever wound up in Mena with the CMA. We talked just yesterday about what we had anticipated our lives to be like 10 years after we were married when we first fell in love. And while we both looked forward to a great happy life serving the Lord together, we never could have written this script! It's so surprising and so exciting. I'm glad that in life we get to play every pitch of every inning and watch the game unfold before us as we play it out.
Here is another article about wisdom gained from baseball.
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