Thursday, January 13, 2005

The Village

The Village
Originally uploaded by Jerod McPherson.
Everyone lauded M.Night as the successor of Hitch, and I have to admit that I have been on the badnwagon too. I like the way he works the camera and I like the stories that He writes. The Village is a very interesting movie, we enjoyed it and found it a very relevant to parenting and living as a Christian on this planet. I agree with the thought that as much as you try to isolate yourself from pain and heartache, it has a way of finding you. Life cannot be completely struggle-free. You can do everything you can to preserve innocence, but the evils of life in general can inch their way into your existence. When that happens, do you given up on your chosen way of living or do you continue to run after hope? I believe in matters of family and life that "The world moves for love, it stands in awe of it."

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