Time's piece on Evangelicals is very interesting. Some of the recent
swirl from this article has also been interesting. For interest to our discussions here on
Forerunners, both McLaren and Colson are in the time list. (Although McLaren seems to resent the fact that he is lumped with the rest of them).
Even more worth a scan is the
transcript from Larry King Live last night, where Larry had as his guests the LaHayes, Franklin Graham, T.D. Jakes, and McLaren. If I was scoring the participants in the discussion, I, personally, would have to declare Jakes the winner. (McLaren doesn't really fit with that group anyway, and all of his answers evidenced that.) Jakes seemed to be unshakable positive and I for one dig that.
What does all of this mass exposure tell you about the way people in our society see Christianity? Do they people in my neighborhood know the difference between a "conservative evangelical" and a "emergent disciple"? I'll go on record as saying that I think that there it is a good idea getting people like the Lahayes on TV. The more stories CNN and MSNBC can run about "right-wingers" the better. Can you guess why I think so?