Monday, May 15, 2006

Who understands this thing?

As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things. (Ecclesiates 11:5)

I will be perfectly honest. There are times, right now being one of them, that I really don't see what God might be up to in the lives of those around me. I see people who love God, give their lives to Him in service and dedication and yet all they seem to have to suffer through difficult times, painful problems, silly mistakes and uncertain futures. If I were God I think that I might work on the merit system: help out and bless the ones who love me and serve me and punish and step on those who don't. (I know how stupid that sounds, and I am very glad that the Father is not like that.) I do, however trust Him enough to know that He is indeed up to something and that He rushes to strongly uphold those whose hearts are completely His. But I guess that is where I am. I just don't know what He's up to. I wish I could zoom out and see more of the map, but I just can't. I wish I knew where that next job was going to come from, how the fight is going to turn out, when that child will come, but I just don't.'s me.....trying to be o.k. with not knowing. Trusting...but not knowing.

Mother's Day

Theodore Roosevelt said, “When all is said, it is the mother, and the mother only, who is a better citizen than the soldier who fights for his country. The successful mother, the mother who does her part in rearing and training aright the boys and girls, who are to be the men and women of the next generation, is of greater use to the community, and occupies, if she only would realize it, a more honorable as well as more important position than any man in it. The mother is the one supreme asset of the national life. She is more important, by far, than the successful statesman, or businessman, or artist, or scientist.”

I owe so much to my mother. The seeds that she planted in my life are still blooming today. She cast over me an influence which has lasted all my life. The good effects of her training in my early life have stayed with me, and if I am honest play a part in most decisions that I make. Thomas Edison said it like this, "I was a careless boy, and with a mother of different mental caliber, I should have turned out badly. But her firmness, her sweetness, her goodness, were potent powers to keep me in the right path...My mother was the making of me." I agree with Edison. Special Honor to my mother, she has done and is doing a great job at rearing her boys.

In a turn of events that I had absolutely no control over, God completely and overwhelmingly blessed me by sending me a wife and a friend, who is a truly great mother. There is no one (understanding I might be a little biased) who takes their role as mother as serious as Jen does. I can't begin to describe the hours of thoughts, prayers and conversations that she logs while being our children's best advocate. She really has their best interests at heart at all times. The way she loves her kids is really a thing of beauty. I married a mother (a hot one at that!) and my life and the lives of my children are enriched all because of her. Special honor to her, she is smack in the middle of her job as a mother, and by all accounts she seems to enjoy it.

Other mothers in my life, especially my mother-in-law, grandmothers, and aunts all occupy very important and influential roles in my life. I am thankful for all of them.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

New Tattoo

April and May 06 047
Originally uploaded by Jerod McPherson.
Yes, this is ink, and yes, this is my arm. Shocking I am sure, but after wanted to get a tattoo for some time that had attached meaning to the wonderful woman that God has gifted into my life, I have finally done it. This is a celtic lover's knot.

Notice how there are two separate strands that are joined together in an inseparable knot. Obviously, to me this represents Jennifer and I. The Green symbolizes the "aliveness" and the life that our union has brought, the circle of red that the knot is completely inside represents the love (romance and passion) that surrounds our marriage. I am incredibly blessed and in love. I also intend to stay tangled up with my wife for the rest our lives.

My good friend Glen, went through with his at the same time and it was a good first experience. We both felt like we should somehow feel much 'badder' now, but for some reason nothing has really changed. Please comment and click on the pic to see more photos.