2006 Christmas Ball
Recently we hosted our Christmas Ball again for some of our friends. This year was awesome. A complete extravaganza. Everyone had a great time and some new memories were made. Watch the clip here to give you an introduction to the party. In addition to our party on Friday Night, we let the kids throw a huge party of their own on Saturday. There is a highlight video of that party here as well.Click on this link to view my videos.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Front Porch Bench
This is old church pew that has been passed around between some of our friends. When it finally ending up in our possession we decided to make it into something that would be distinctly ours. A week later, this is what now lives on our front porch.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Fun at Colors 2006 - Chubby Bunny
There are a few new videos posted on My YouTube channel for you to check out. This one is a highlight from the Changing of the Colors Rally. Check it out!
There are a few new videos posted on My YouTube channel for you to check out. This one is a highlight from the Changing of the Colors Rally. Check it out!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Lives of Influence

Jennifer and I have been in a discussion lately about people who lived lives that had aspects that were worth emulating. I think, for our family and for discussion, that it would be a very interesting idea to compile a list of people that led meaningful lives our lives that stood for certain values. I know that the list could become pretty large, but I would love to get the input of my friends and family on this.
Obviously for us, Saints Nicolas, Francis and Benedict, Robert and Elizabeth Elliot, C.S. Lewis, Martin Luther, George Muller, William Wilberforce, Martin Luther King Jr., Rich Mullins are just a few. Recently, through our children's History classes, we have been talking about Roger Williams - minister/author/colonial leader. (pictured here)
Please think for a minute and leave a comment with a few of your own ideas. (everyone must participate!)
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Video Hosting

I've been all over the place in the past two years using different sites for video hosting. They either stop working after a while or become too raunchy. So I guess I am going to make the move to YouTube since everyone else in the free world has. Check out my video channel and see some of the videos that I have switched over from various sites to YouTube. The capture here is from a video that highlights the kick-off of the new ministry at Sterling College in Kansas. Cick here to go to my YouTube channel.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
This is one of a few thoughts that have really hit home with me this week at Subiaco Abbey. It is so easy to believe your own press. What I feel like this time alone is saying to me is, "fancy words, moral stands and even the best performances mean little if I don't understand what it is to love and be loved." (Sounds like the lyrics to the Eden Ahbez song Nature Boy, but it's true enough for me). I'm nothing without the knowledge and the experience of the love of God for me His handpicked adopted son. I am also nothing if I don't reflect the same love to those around me. This love is 'fuerte y dulce" yet it is very tricky to duplicate.
Bringing two things I like together

O.K. time for confessions. I like that Will Farrell guy. Obviously, He is funny, but I think He's quick on his feet and is starting to show that He is a good actor. (Well...we'll see about that last thought). Another guilty pleasure of mine is musicals. Farrell was great in his on-screen portrayal of Franz Liebkind in The Producers. (for the record, I also like Broderick in musicals as well). Last night on Dave, Farrell revealed His newest ambition. Watch the video here
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
New Friends in Mexico
A few years ago we met Sarai Ameca-Servin and her sister Landy. These girls father is the leader of the recently started CMA Mexico. They attended some of our events there at Iron Mountain and we became friends. They have asked us to come to their home and spend time with the students in their community ever since the first time we had met them. This trip to Huatusco gave us the perfect opportunity. I was amazed when a great group of teenagers came out to have fun with us. It was strained at times for me (some of my jokes just don't translate) but it was incredible to watch God touch so many of their soft hearts. We loved the young people there in Huatusco and hope to go back soon. Click on the picture to see more shots of the CMA Youth Movement from our recent trip to Mexico
Dirty Bandit
This is the Suzuki Bandit 1200 that I rode from my back porch to Huatusco, Mexico and back. In this picture it is covered with mud from all the riding in rain that we did on that particular day. I am not going to lie to you...that is a long way to ride a motorcycle. Nearly 4000 miles in 10 days (including a 3 day rest in the middle). But I can honestly say that it was a fun trip. Aside from the bike ride and all the work, I did get to spend 3 wonderful days with my honey in Mexico. I told her how special she was to me that I would ride 2000 miles on a motorcycle just to spend a night with her!
Community Art Project at Changing of the Colors
This year's Youth Movement events at the Changing of the Colors Rally were the best ever. To kick things off we had Vineyard Worship Leader Jeremy Riddle and his band. They were great and all of the students enjoyed them. Later MUZZLELOADER rocked the house and we tried some things that we have never done before: like a 120 lb. sandbox for a prayer altar and this...a community art project. As a worship response time one night we together, all 130 or so teens that were there painted a picture. This shot was taken right in the middle of all ministry/mayhem/masterpiece.
Me and the Boys
This photo was taken over 4 weeks ago. It has taken me this long to get around to posting it. This was the day that all of our craziness for the month of October started in earnest. As we posed for this shot, we were getting ready to head to church, where MUZZLELOADER lead worship that morning. That afternoon started the CMA Leadership Conference, where Jennifer and I lead worship. Both events were very good. We had a number of CMA Youth Movement Leaders at the conference and hosted a prayer and dessert meeting in our home one of the nights. I have posted some pictures of that evening. It was very awesome to have leaders from different states and countries. To be able to pray with them while they sat on our couch was quite an honor. We are constantly amazed at the opportunities that God gives us.
The truth is I wanted to post this shot, because I could not be any prouder of my two sons. They are doing so well in there school work, maintaining a soft heart before God and hopefully becoming people who know how to love. Many, many thanks to God for His working in their lives and mine. The last rally here on Iron Mountain was especially impactful for their lives. I can only imagine where God is wanting to take them.
The truth is I wanted to post this shot, because I could not be any prouder of my two sons. They are doing so well in there school work, maintaining a soft heart before God and hopefully becoming people who know how to love. Many, many thanks to God for His working in their lives and mine. The last rally here on Iron Mountain was especially impactful for their lives. I can only imagine where God is wanting to take them.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
McPherson Summer Travel 2006
Threw together a quick slide video of some of the pics from this summer. We took almost 1000 pictures in a few months. It's hard to decide which ones to share, but here are some of the interesting ones. Click here to watch the video.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Zoe's Pig Tails
OK, every once in a while it's just important to stop and look at your children. I did that today and I was amazed at what I saw. They are growing and changing at a rate that is almost impossible to keep up with. They learn more new words, complete more new thoughts, and connect more dots than you ever dreamed they could. It is really awesome to watch the progression in the photos that we have took over the last 3 years. We are incredibly blessed by God to have the family that we have. We don't really want to take it for granted.
Bike Blessing in Roaring Knob
Last weekend we were in South Western Pennsylvania at Roaring Knob MX track. CMA members have been doing a great job at this track and invited us up for a special weekend. We stayed on site in a 5th-wheel type RV and enjoyed it very much. (all except for the the tornado type winds and rains that literally rocked the trailer back and forth. The highlight of this weekend was a Saturday Evening Special Activity time with racers and their families. We concluded that evening with a bike blessing and a good number of racers and parents joined us track side to pray and share for a few moments. It was one of those strange moments in the world when you have a second of calm and gentleness in the middle of all the madness that is a MX race. It was pretty cool and we are very thankful that God has given us this very unique opportunity.
News from Sterling College
Last week we had a fantastic time beginning something completely new for CMA. We have begun a partnership with Sterling College, Sterling Kansas. There are many facets to this deal and we are very excited to be on the ride. The kick-off was a two day event on the campus centered around a chapel service for the entire student body. Check out this link for more information. I will post some pictures from the event as soon as I get them off the cameras.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Getting back down to earth
The summer has been fantastic. I really can't believe all that has transpired and all the miles that we have covered. We are really looking forward to being at home for the next few months and the coming rallies and events that will be happening here on Iron Mountain. I will make some sort of an attempt to catch back up on the blog. Lot's has been happening in our life, and as I look back on some of the most recent posts here I see that somethings have really moved on since last I wrote.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Getting to See My Brother
The past 4 weeks have been simply amazing. I can't begin to jot everything down here, but I have managed to log a bunch of new photos, so please check them out.
One of the highlights was being able to see my brother Joel, Melanie, his wife and their kids. Immediately the kids took up together like they see each other all the time. It was really awesome!
One of the highlights was being able to see my brother Joel, Melanie, his wife and their kids. Immediately the kids took up together like they see each other all the time. It was really awesome!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
The Rocky Mountains
This is the view from the motel room in Westcliff Colorado during the Colorado State Rally. We really had a good time there in Colorado and the scenery was just majestic.
AMA Amatuer Nationals at Loretta Lynn's
We just finished with the Amateur Nationals at Loretta Lynn's in Tennessee. It was a good week of ministry and probably the most impactful outreach so far that we have been a part of. Check out more of the pictures by clicking on the racer.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
The Park at The Mall of America
After spending almost a week in Canada, it was great to head south for Minneapolis. We loved going to the Mall of America so much a few years ago that we hit it again. The park was alot of fun and as always we completely got all of our money's worth out of that day of riding rides. We have a few days to catch our breath before the next weekend in Illinois. Should be fun!
Lake Superior
On our way to Canada, we spent a night in Duluth Minnesota. It was a really great spot. Click on this photo to see some pics from the Canal Park area there in Duluth. We had a fun time and hope to go back in the next few years.
CMA Youth Movement Mission Trip to Ecuador
This year's teen mission trip was fantastic. We had the best time ever. Most of the week was spent in Rio Negro a small little town in the cloud forest of the Andes Mountains. It was a very effective and enjoyable trip. There are a few pictures you might want to see. (Jennifer holding a large python for one.)
Kids in North Dakota
On the first weekend in June, we made a quick run up to North Dakota for the CMA North Dakota State Rally. It was a great time. We met up with some of our friends and had a good Saturday seeing some sights. This photo is of the kids at Theodore Roosevelt State Park. Check out the other photos, including a close up of a bison.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Who understands this thing?
As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things. (Ecclesiates 11:5)
I will be perfectly honest. There are times, right now being one of them, that I really don't see what God might be up to in the lives of those around me. I see people who love God, give their lives to Him in service and dedication and yet all they seem to have to suffer through difficult times, painful problems, silly mistakes and uncertain futures. If I were God I think that I might work on the merit system: help out and bless the ones who love me and serve me and punish and step on those who don't. (I know how stupid that sounds, and I am very glad that the Father is not like that.) I do, however trust Him enough to know that He is indeed up to something and that He rushes to strongly uphold those whose hearts are completely His. But I guess that is where I am. I just don't know what He's up to. I wish I could zoom out and see more of the map, but I just can't. I wish I knew where that next job was going to come from, how the fight is going to turn out, when that child will come, but I just don't.
.....here's me.....trying to be o.k. with not knowing. Trusting...but not knowing.
I will be perfectly honest. There are times, right now being one of them, that I really don't see what God might be up to in the lives of those around me. I see people who love God, give their lives to Him in service and dedication and yet all they seem to have to suffer through difficult times, painful problems, silly mistakes and uncertain futures. If I were God I think that I might work on the merit system: help out and bless the ones who love me and serve me and punish and step on those who don't. (I know how stupid that sounds, and I am very glad that the Father is not like that.) I do, however trust Him enough to know that He is indeed up to something and that He rushes to strongly uphold those whose hearts are completely His. But I guess that is where I am. I just don't know what He's up to. I wish I could zoom out and see more of the map, but I just can't. I wish I knew where that next job was going to come from, how the fight is going to turn out, when that child will come, but I just don't.
.....here's me.....trying to be o.k. with not knowing. Trusting...but not knowing.
Mother's Day
Theodore Roosevelt said, “When all is said, it is the mother, and the mother only, who is a better citizen than the soldier who fights for his country. The successful mother, the mother who does her part in rearing and training aright the boys and girls, who are to be the men and women of the next generation, is of greater use to the community, and occupies, if she only would realize it, a more honorable as well as more important position than any man in it. The mother is the one supreme asset of the national life. She is more important, by far, than the successful statesman, or businessman, or artist, or scientist.”
I owe so much to my mother. The seeds that she planted in my life are still blooming today. She cast over me an influence which has lasted all my life. The good effects of her training in my early life have stayed with me, and if I am honest play a part in most decisions that I make. Thomas Edison said it like this, "I was a careless boy, and with a mother of different mental caliber, I should have turned out badly. But her firmness, her sweetness, her goodness, were potent powers to keep me in the right path...My mother was the making of me." I agree with Edison. Special Honor to my mother, she has done and is doing a great job at rearing her boys.
In a turn of events that I had absolutely no control over, God completely and overwhelmingly blessed me by sending me a wife and a friend, who is a truly great mother. There is no one (understanding I might be a little biased) who takes their role as mother as serious as Jen does. I can't begin to describe the hours of thoughts, prayers and conversations that she logs while being our children's best advocate. She really has their best interests at heart at all times. The way she loves her kids is really a thing of beauty. I married a mother (a hot one at that!) and my life and the lives of my children are enriched all because of her. Special honor to her, she is smack in the middle of her job as a mother, and by all accounts she seems to enjoy it.
Other mothers in my life, especially my mother-in-law, grandmothers, and aunts all occupy very important and influential roles in my life. I am thankful for all of them.
I owe so much to my mother. The seeds that she planted in my life are still blooming today. She cast over me an influence which has lasted all my life. The good effects of her training in my early life have stayed with me, and if I am honest play a part in most decisions that I make. Thomas Edison said it like this, "I was a careless boy, and with a mother of different mental caliber, I should have turned out badly. But her firmness, her sweetness, her goodness, were potent powers to keep me in the right path...My mother was the making of me." I agree with Edison. Special Honor to my mother, she has done and is doing a great job at rearing her boys.
In a turn of events that I had absolutely no control over, God completely and overwhelmingly blessed me by sending me a wife and a friend, who is a truly great mother. There is no one (understanding I might be a little biased) who takes their role as mother as serious as Jen does. I can't begin to describe the hours of thoughts, prayers and conversations that she logs while being our children's best advocate. She really has their best interests at heart at all times. The way she loves her kids is really a thing of beauty. I married a mother (a hot one at that!) and my life and the lives of my children are enriched all because of her. Special honor to her, she is smack in the middle of her job as a mother, and by all accounts she seems to enjoy it.
Other mothers in my life, especially my mother-in-law, grandmothers, and aunts all occupy very important and influential roles in my life. I am thankful for all of them.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
New Tattoo
Yes, this is ink, and yes, this is my arm. Shocking I am sure, but after wanted to get a tattoo for some time that had attached meaning to the wonderful woman that God has gifted into my life, I have finally done it. This is a celtic lover's knot.
Notice how there are two separate strands that are joined together in an inseparable knot. Obviously, to me this represents Jennifer and I. The Green symbolizes the "aliveness" and the life that our union has brought, the circle of red that the knot is completely inside represents the love (romance and passion) that surrounds our marriage. I am incredibly blessed and in love. I also intend to stay tangled up with my wife for the rest our lives.
My good friend Glen, went through with his at the same time and it was a good first experience. We both felt like we should somehow feel much 'badder' now, but for some reason nothing has really changed. Please comment and click on the pic to see more photos.
Notice how there are two separate strands that are joined together in an inseparable knot. Obviously, to me this represents Jennifer and I. The Green symbolizes the "aliveness" and the life that our union has brought, the circle of red that the knot is completely inside represents the love (romance and passion) that surrounds our marriage. I am incredibly blessed and in love. I also intend to stay tangled up with my wife for the rest our lives.
My good friend Glen, went through with his at the same time and it was a good first experience. We both felt like we should somehow feel much 'badder' now, but for some reason nothing has really changed. Please comment and click on the pic to see more photos.
Monday, April 24, 2006
McPherson Originals
These are a pair of Abstracts that I did for our living area. They are 30"x40" Acrylic on Canvas and in a very simple geometric style. (Further proving the fact that just about anybody can mimic anything!)
Friends around the Table
We have begun to realize that the best things that happen in community seem to happen, at least for us, around the dinner table.
We have wanted to get this table and chairs for a few years and now we finally are eating around it. At the recent Pastor's Retreat here on Iron Mountain, we had groups of friends around it each night. The conversations and friendships that they cultivate were just exactly what we had in mind.
For all friends and family. Please come by and sit at the table with us. We have stories to tell, and can't wait to hear yours.
We have wanted to get this table and chairs for a few years and now we finally are eating around it. At the recent Pastor's Retreat here on Iron Mountain, we had groups of friends around it each night. The conversations and friendships that they cultivate were just exactly what we had in mind.
For all friends and family. Please come by and sit at the table with us. We have stories to tell, and can't wait to hear yours.
Wow the children are growing
For those friends that we don't get a chance to see often enough (Daniel and Sharon; Michael and Misti; Jeremy and Michelle especially) I have posted a few pics on the flickr site of the children so that you can see how much they are growing and changing. We are enjoying each day of their lives, yet we are also very taken back by how fast those days are flying.
They are the most alive 4 children I believe you will find anywhere. They absolutely love life and are living it (as our friends in South Africa say) "Hoy Milles". Which really means "with corn" but I think can also mean with much gusto or full tilt. (At least that is what I am going to say it means.)
They are the most alive 4 children I believe you will find anywhere. They absolutely love life and are living it (as our friends in South Africa say) "Hoy Milles". Which really means "with corn" but I think can also mean with much gusto or full tilt. (At least that is what I am going to say it means.)
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Zoo Atlanta
Recently, while in Atlanta, we had the privilege to be able to go to the Zoo with my cousin Mendi and her children. 20+ years ago, we had been to Grant Park Zoo and had a blast. There are still some pictures floating around from that day. This time it was very fun too. My mom also joined us. We really had a great time. Check out this highlight video from the day at Zoo Atlanta: The Cousins Hit Zoo Atlanta.
It is simply amazing how close these 7 can be to each other even though we live so far apart. But then again, we were pretty close ourselves growing up...Special thanks to my couz for making these friendships work.
It is simply amazing how close these 7 can be to each other even though we live so far apart. But then again, we were pretty close ourselves growing up...Special thanks to my couz for making these friendships work.
Monday, March 06, 2006
McPhersons Eating at Buca Di Beppo
Our Family just finished a special night at Buca Di Beppo in Jacksonville Florida. being that we live in Mena, Arkansas, we don't have a Buca in our home town, so it is a pretty special privilege to get to visit one. Jen and I had been to Buca in Nashville prior to tonight, but the kids had never been. We had called ahead and reserved the table in the Kitchen, just perfect for our family. You actually sit in the kitchen and watch the wait staff and chefs work. Our server was great and the chefs were fantastic. They chatted with the whole family through the meal. They even cooked a couple of their favorites for us and gave it to us (added to the obscene amount of food we had already ordered.) To put it short we had a wonderful time and made a great memory. Abby's favorite food in the world is cheesecake; You should have seen her eyes when the huge piece arrived at the table. It was a great memory...one of many.
Florida State Rally in Keystone Heights
This is the third year that we have been priviledged to be in attendance at the Florida CMA State Rally, held at the Salvation Army Campground in Keystone Heights Florida. We always enjoy the facilities and it is one of the kids favorite places to visit. There are always alot of other children to hang with and plenty of things to do. Last year, my cousin Jeremy Henderson, presently in Jacksonville, FL. came to minister to the students, and this year he came back to hang with us. We really had a great time. The kids literally talked his ears off, and I remembered just how much I missed him. The picture is taken outside during the bike games of which we were only spectators. Jeremy wanted to take my bike out for a spin and he was pretty excited about it (enough to forget something important). took my bike for a spin and I think he was really enjoying it until his helmet flew off. (I don't think he was really going that fast.) Anyways, we really had a good time together.
Georgia Aquarium
After a CMA event near Warner Robins Georgia, we took a special day with the family and mom and dad at the Georgia Aquarium. I was absolutely blown away with the scale of this attraction. If you get a chance to go, you should. It really was more than I expected. We all had a great time and the kids especially were wide eyed. I have captured some of the pictures that the boys took on my photo stream (Some of them are pretty unbelievable).
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
New Stage in Youth Activities Building
For the past few weeks we have been working really hard in the new Youth Activities building here on Iron Mountain. While we used the Youth Building at the last Changing of the Colors Rally here in October of last year, it was basically an unfinished metal building. This year the goal is to finish it out. Stage and Sound are first priorities, followed closely by bathrooms, showers, storage and heating and air. Then we will go for an decoration makeover.
We are getting ready to head for Georgia and Florida tomorrow so we have worked some long hours getting everything ready. (I am really excited about having such a large stage...it has always been hard fitting a full band on a little plywood stage under a tent)
We are getting ready to head for Georgia and Florida tomorrow so we have worked some long hours getting everything ready. (I am really excited about having such a large stage...it has always been hard fitting a full band on a little plywood stage under a tent)
Monday, February 20, 2006
New Sideboard and Mirror
Here is a pic of the new sideboard and mirror. Check out our latest pics by clicking the picture.
Kin Thegither
In starting our own family traditions we have hit upon something that really works. We call it Kin Thegither. (Gaelic for "Family Together") During this weekend, (we try to do them twice a year) We just hole up in the house. Cook together, play games, paint, and move all the mattresses into the living room and have a camp out. The point is to spend the time together. It is always a great time and this weekend was the best ever. We worked together Saturday to create the following movie together. We really enjoyed ourselves and will certainly do it again. Check it out and let us know what you think.
One of the greatest things that we get to share with the children is to somehow prod them in their creativity. When we began this movie idea, the ideas and thoughts just really began to flow, it was exciting to watch. Maybe these silly efforts will open their horizons to something like acting or film making or (as Joby says) movie stuntman.
One of the greatest things that we get to share with the children is to somehow prod them in their creativity. When we began this movie idea, the ideas and thoughts just really began to flow, it was exciting to watch. Maybe these silly efforts will open their horizons to something like acting or film making or (as Joby says) movie stuntman.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Dining Chairs
Well after living in the house for almost a year, we have finally gotten our hands on some chairs for our dining area. We are eagerly expecting the table to join them soon. Right now dinner is a little awkward.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Kids Playing Outside
It has been very cold here the past few days, but it hasn't stopped the kids from getting out and goofing around. Here is a quick video of some shots that the kids took of themselves.
One of things that is really enjoyable about being a medium sized family is that the children have alot of interaction between themselves across the different ages. Sure they fuss with each other some, but they also take care of each other, make each other laugh and play together. Some of this video cathces some of that. (I edited out all the fighting).
One of things that is really enjoyable about being a medium sized family is that the children have alot of interaction between themselves across the different ages. Sure they fuss with each other some, but they also take care of each other, make each other laugh and play together. Some of this video cathces some of that. (I edited out all the fighting).
Saturday, February 11, 2006
What is playing in my headphones
After not blogging for a while I thought I might share some of the music I have been checking out lately. I have kind of been feeling the whole singer/songwriter thing lately so here they are.
Amos Lee - Amos Lee
- A soul singer with an acoustic guitar?
Trouble - Ray Lamontagne
- this guy sings his guts out. The whole album is simply, chill and very emotional.
In Between Dreams - Jack Johnson
- What can you say about Jack? He can make one acoustic sound like a guitar, bass and drum kit. If Jack were any more laid back, he might be asleep.
Back Home - Clapton
Ultimate Collection - B.B. King
Chaos and Creation in the Backyard - McCartney
- I am a big fan anyway, but this latest studio release from Paul is completely done by himself. Great songwriting and typical McCartney melodies.
The Great Depression - Blindside
- I really want to be able to scream like this.

Amos Lee - Amos Lee
- A soul singer with an acoustic guitar?
Trouble - Ray Lamontagne
- this guy sings his guts out. The whole album is simply, chill and very emotional.
In Between Dreams - Jack Johnson
- What can you say about Jack? He can make one acoustic sound like a guitar, bass and drum kit. If Jack were any more laid back, he might be asleep.
Back Home - Clapton
Ultimate Collection - B.B. King
Chaos and Creation in the Backyard - McCartney
- I am a big fan anyway, but this latest studio release from Paul is completely done by himself. Great songwriting and typical McCartney melodies.
The Great Depression - Blindside
- I really want to be able to scream like this.
Biltmore Estate
During January, Jennifer and I headed to Ashville, NC for a weekend CMA event. It was a wonderful weekend, even though the weather was crazy. We had a great day touring the Biltmore Estate. We also had a chance to hook up with our college buddy, Mark Wills from nearby Greeneville. TN. It was a great, memorable weekend.
A Real life Bald Eagle
During the Christmad holidays as we were driving through Arkansas (which we seemed to do alot of during the holidays), we passed through some open fields, and saw three bald eagles all together. We stopped, got out and took some pictures. It was stunning to see such a large bird out in the wild. Very uh...majestic? Makes you see why they picked the bald eagle eh?
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Christmas 2005
After a busy few weeks leading up to the actual Christmas Holidays, we got even busier during the weeks of Christmas. The last days before Christmas we spent traveling, helping in the wrapping booth for Cullendale A/G, and hanging out with family. Christmas Morning was a great service and brunch and then we hit the road. Christmas Night in Bald Knob at the Piker's was great and we all enjoyed it. The next morning we were with Papaw McDaniel's for some gifts and brunch. After the fun there, we headed off to Tulsa, where we were to spend the week at Keystone State Park.
We really enjoyed our time in Tulsa, ate at some great places and spent some quality time with Jason and Papaw McDaniel. It was a lot of fun. By spending the week between Christmas and New Year this way, we really streched as much fun out of the holiday as was humanly possible.
Jennifer's Aunt and Uncle and her cousin Ally and family came to the house on New Years and we really had a good time. Lavon and Sandra hung out with us for a few days and we had a great time watching football and movies and, of course, eating.
We really enjoyed our time in Tulsa, ate at some great places and spent some quality time with Jason and Papaw McDaniel. It was a lot of fun. By spending the week between Christmas and New Year this way, we really streched as much fun out of the holiday as was humanly possible.
Jennifer's Aunt and Uncle and her cousin Ally and family came to the house on New Years and we really had a good time. Lavon and Sandra hung out with us for a few days and we had a great time watching football and movies and, of course, eating.
Christmas Ball 2005
We have a lot of good friends. In fact, we count it a blessing to have these friends. The problem is that we never seem to find the time to be together with each other. This year we wanted to do something about that. So we planned a party...no...it was bigger than that. We called it a Christmas Ball.
Complete with invitations, dressing up and lots and lots of food, the Christmas ball was a night to remember. Hopefully the first in a long line of events in our home that will make the history books. There was a lot of bad karaoke, a little bit of fighting over gifts and a chocolate fountain. (For all of our friends and family out of town, You should really plan to come next year!)
Click here to watch a highlight video.

Complete with invitations, dressing up and lots and lots of food, the Christmas ball was a night to remember. Hopefully the first in a long line of events in our home that will make the history books. There was a lot of bad karaoke, a little bit of fighting over gifts and a chocolate fountain. (For all of our friends and family out of town, You should really plan to come next year!)
Click here to watch a highlight video.
Thanksgiving in Atlanta
We were very blessed to be able to make the trip to Atlanta for the Thanksgiving Holiday. It was just the greatest time. Jennifer and I made a quick run to Nashville and hit the Youth Specialties National Youth Workers Conference. It was a blast as always. During that time though we missed (very sadly) my cousin Marni's wedding. My parents, however, allowed the kids to stay with them and Abby was actually in the wedding. (click on the picture to see pictures of her in the dress she wore at the wedding)
After the wedding, we were back from Nashville and it was thanksgiving. There were some great pictures from the Monroe family thanksving at Mark and Carla's. Most of the pics, like the one here were taken by the boys when they hijacked the camera. They absolutely love to play with the cousins. I am sure that if Zeke and Joby, Tyler and Tanner were in closer proximity, we might get more footage for America's Funniest Home Videos. (We are looking forward to heading back to Atlanta in the Spring.)
As always we had a wonderful time with my mom and dad in Atlanta. We always hit a few of our favorite restaurants, visit the dollar theater and hit every store in Cobb County. It was a great thanksgiving and can't wait until Christmas.
After the wedding, we were back from Nashville and it was thanksgiving. There were some great pictures from the Monroe family thanksving at Mark and Carla's. Most of the pics, like the one here were taken by the boys when they hijacked the camera. They absolutely love to play with the cousins. I am sure that if Zeke and Joby, Tyler and Tanner were in closer proximity, we might get more footage for America's Funniest Home Videos. (We are looking forward to heading back to Atlanta in the Spring.)
As always we had a wonderful time with my mom and dad in Atlanta. We always hit a few of our favorite restaurants, visit the dollar theater and hit every store in Cobb County. It was a great thanksgiving and can't wait until Christmas.
Returning to Subiaco - Sunday Afternoon
I can hardly believe that I am back at Subiaco Abbey. It’s only been a year but to me it seems as if we’ve circled the globe since then. Getting ready to leave was especially hard this year. It seems that as I began to get ready, all I could think of was the things that I would be missing while I was gone. All the fun I wouldn’t be having with Jen and the kids, all the time that a week represents in the lives of your loved ones. Even all the Football games I wouldn’t be seeing, all the TV and movies I wouldn’t be seeing and all the work that I wouldn’t be getting done were on my mind.
The ride up to Subiaco from Mena was nothing short of spectacular. The sun was shining, the wind was calm, and the temperature was right around 70. The leaves have exploded into the brightest colors that I have ever seen. Riding a motorcycle through the hills on a perfect afternoon like this was an experience all to itself. As I cruised along, I saw reds so bright it seemed that they were glowing, yellows and oranges the colors of squashes and pumpkins. Large-moss covered craggy rocks appeared to be upstaged by the brilliant display of color on the hills beside them. I inhaled in really slowly and tried to freeze-frame that picture in my mind. The curvy ‘pig trails’ were fun and the scenery was stunning.
It was interesting for me when I began to realize that only a week ago, the leaves on the trees didn’t look like they did today. I also know that in a month from now they won’t look the same either. It was almost as if God had splashed the hillsides just for me. At least that is what it felt like. When you ride through the back roads and you pass very few cars you begin to get a feel for just how huge God’s creation is, and just how small you are. You understand that you are only a spec in the great universe that God set up. And yet, you feel, rather, you know, in your heart, that somehow you are the focus of the entirety of it all in His eyes. You get a feeling that the eyes and the hands, even the kiss of God are on you as you fly through his creation. I imagined the trees all decked out in their finest colors watching and waving for the moment that I passed by them. Then I pictured them conversing with each other, “There he goes…something is definitely happening in that one…may he have a blessed week.”
I struggle to maintain my humility in life and to always keep my importance in proper perspective before Christ, but for a moment today, I felt that the Father was acting as if he was attracted to me. For what reason I don’t fully understand. But I kind of like the fact that there seems to be a sparkle in the eyes of the Father for me his son. A willingness to have the trees even ‘dress to the nines’ to bring me joy.
The ride up to Subiaco from Mena was nothing short of spectacular. The sun was shining, the wind was calm, and the temperature was right around 70. The leaves have exploded into the brightest colors that I have ever seen. Riding a motorcycle through the hills on a perfect afternoon like this was an experience all to itself. As I cruised along, I saw reds so bright it seemed that they were glowing, yellows and oranges the colors of squashes and pumpkins. Large-moss covered craggy rocks appeared to be upstaged by the brilliant display of color on the hills beside them. I inhaled in really slowly and tried to freeze-frame that picture in my mind. The curvy ‘pig trails’ were fun and the scenery was stunning.
It was interesting for me when I began to realize that only a week ago, the leaves on the trees didn’t look like they did today. I also know that in a month from now they won’t look the same either. It was almost as if God had splashed the hillsides just for me. At least that is what it felt like. When you ride through the back roads and you pass very few cars you begin to get a feel for just how huge God’s creation is, and just how small you are. You understand that you are only a spec in the great universe that God set up. And yet, you feel, rather, you know, in your heart, that somehow you are the focus of the entirety of it all in His eyes. You get a feeling that the eyes and the hands, even the kiss of God are on you as you fly through his creation. I imagined the trees all decked out in their finest colors watching and waving for the moment that I passed by them. Then I pictured them conversing with each other, “There he goes…something is definitely happening in that one…may he have a blessed week.”
I struggle to maintain my humility in life and to always keep my importance in proper perspective before Christ, but for a moment today, I felt that the Father was acting as if he was attracted to me. For what reason I don’t fully understand. But I kind of like the fact that there seems to be a sparkle in the eyes of the Father for me his son. A willingness to have the trees even ‘dress to the nines’ to bring me joy.
Off to the Abbey
It was a very busy weekend. The Fastlane Rally on Iron Mountain was a smash. We had a great group of riders and everybody seemed to have a really good time. Ramon (our friend from South Africa) put on an incredible stunt riding show in the streets of Mena. (We had them shut down of course) We captured some great video from this weekend and I think that the ministry to sport bike riders is poised at a very important growth moment. Possible 2006 we see a large growth in the areas that we are presently reaching into.
Later on Saturday Night, I played some music with the band that we threw together. It's always fun to get a chance to play the harp with some good musicians. Sunday Morning we blessed all the bikes (and riders) that were present and then pretty much everyone left.
It was time to take my sabbatical again, and I was more than ready to head back to Subiaco Abbey. This year the weather was really nice, so I took a ride on one of the ministries Goldwings. In the picture here, we had just had lunch in Mena, and I was telling the kids bye. (They love to climb and ride on the bike.)
As it turned out, even though I really love my sport bike, I was a little surprised at how wonderfully the big Goldwing handled in the curvy mountains. And it was sooo comfortable. I will definitely be looking for more opportunities to travel on that bike.
Later on Saturday Night, I played some music with the band that we threw together. It's always fun to get a chance to play the harp with some good musicians. Sunday Morning we blessed all the bikes (and riders) that were present and then pretty much everyone left.
It was time to take my sabbatical again, and I was more than ready to head back to Subiaco Abbey. This year the weather was really nice, so I took a ride on one of the ministries Goldwings. In the picture here, we had just had lunch in Mena, and I was telling the kids bye. (They love to climb and ride on the bike.)
As it turned out, even though I really love my sport bike, I was a little surprised at how wonderfully the big Goldwing handled in the curvy mountains. And it was sooo comfortable. I will definitely be looking for more opportunities to travel on that bike.
Return to Blogging
Every 3 or four months I completely fail to blog. You might even think that nothing happens to us when I don't blog, but in fact life does continue to happen. I will try in the next few posts to cover the last few months in our lives. But all of this missed blogging begs a deeper point. Why don't I stay current with my blog?
Probably the same reason why I don't always take the trash out when it gets full. Probably the same reasons why I don't make all the calls that I should. Probably the same reason why I don't paint, draw, write or play music as often as I want to. All of these symptoms probably stem from the same problem, yet I am having a real difficulty deciding what it is.
Oh well, maybe I'll figure it out tommorrow.
Probably the same reason why I don't always take the trash out when it gets full. Probably the same reasons why I don't make all the calls that I should. Probably the same reason why I don't paint, draw, write or play music as often as I want to. All of these symptoms probably stem from the same problem, yet I am having a real difficulty deciding what it is.
Oh well, maybe I'll figure it out tommorrow.
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