Why I don’t want to be a monk
I’m starting to get over the notion of Benedictine spirituality. (Not really, I just am more sure now than ever that I love the life that God has blessed me with.) Here are five reasons why I don’t want to be a monk.
1. I love my wife.
Now, I know that to be celibate is to be betrothed to the Lord. I know that God calls some to that vocation. But in my life, “the two have become one”. Jennifer and I share so much together. When we are apart it is really like I am only half-alive. I also know that the first things that run through your mind when you speak of celibacy, but outside of that, what about the emotions and the companionship? First of all, I passionately and madly love my wife, but I have also grown rather fond of being married. I think (for me at least) that it’s the good life.
2. I love my family.
My children are a blessing from the Lord. I know that ministry to them comes before ministry to others, and that is, honestly the way I like it. I met a friend the other day who told me that He and his wife were choosing to devote their lives to Christ and that children would only hinder them. I stared at him, half out of respect and half out of disbelief. He then asked me if I had any children. I smiled and held up 4 fingers. I never thought I could love anyone else, when Jen and I got married, yet with every birth in our family my love grows and my happiness swells.
3. I love the noise of my life.
O.K. this reason isn’t so noble, but you know it’s true. I’ve grown way accustomed to the noise of modern life. When the phone doesn’t ring or the game isn’t on the TV, I have to wonder what is wrong. And don’t get me started about internet and news. In 3 days, I feel like Robinson Crusoe. I fully realize that the constant banging of life, can hide the still small voice of God sometimes, and I am trying to work on that. But truly, I’m spoiled to a little bit of noise.
4. I am basically lazy and undisciplined
How else can you say it. I would rather lay in the bed than get up to pray with the brothers. I would much rather go out to outback for a steak that settle for the plain fair of the monk’s dining room. Who was it that said, "Aceticism is way over-rated"? I think it was lazy glutton American...no wait...it was me.
5. I rather like blue jeans and t-shirt.
Although it would solve the problem of what to wear, and the black floor length habits are very flattering, what would I do in one of those things? You always feel like a monk in a habit at any moment will pull out a light saber and tell you to, "Beware the dark side!" I truly admire the reasoning behind the habits. A large dose of simplicity would help me tremendously. These days though, I am so happy to have stopped working and dressing for the man every time I was going to be seen as doing some sort of "ministry". Here is to jeans and t-shirts, the new habit.