Lemony Snicket
We try hard not to jump on every bandwagon, and in every occasion possible we try to create our own bandwagon. Yet as with the recent Tolkien craze and Harry Potter, we are once again slap in the middle of a media blitz involving one of our favorite book series.
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events are some of our favorite books to read with the children. After we read the Chronicles of Narnia out loud to the kids on some of our travels, we searched for the right series that we would all enjoy. When we started the tales of the Baudelaire orphans we knew that we would read every word of the entire series. It has become just one of the things that you become interested in.
When we learned this summer that Jim Carrey would be playing Count Olaf in the movie adaptation of the first three books, we were both excited and hesitant. On the one hand, there is simple no one like Jim Carrey, and any movie with him in it, (in my opinion) is worth watching just to see what faces the guy will make. But I was kind of worried that he would be too funny playing such a genuinely creepy villian such as Olaf.
After watching the movie, I can say that I really enjoyed it as a movie, but then again I enjoyed the books tremendously. (Sometimes that makes you like movies more even if they are poor, and sometimes it makes you like movies less even if they are very good.) The costumes, the sets, and the atmosphere is just stunning, and even though it is alittle less serious than the books, you still empathize with the orphans and you still root for them to outsmart Count Olaf. I do recommend the movie though, even though it isn't a perfect replication of the books. But I think I am again going to say that, just like Tolkien and just like Rowling, you owe it to yourself to read the Snicket books for yourself. (Maybe while you are waiting for the last few books to be written you can breeze through King's The Dark Tower Series)
You should also check out the movie website for a pretty slick look at the series.
Monday, December 27, 2004
A Very Merry Christmas Post
We have had a great week. After visiting all of the family in Arkansas, we traveled to Atlanta and have spent this past week here at my parents home. It has been a blast and we have done a little shopping, and alot of loafing around. We are so blessed to be able to take it easy for a while during the holidays. Here are a few pics from the Christmas Holiday.
No Christmas would be complete without a "Mooning Santa". He is a jolly old guy who turns, drops his pants and gives you a holiday treat. Check out more of our family Christmas pics on flickr. Here's praying that all of you have a great holiday and a blessed new year.
We have had a great week. After visiting all of the family in Arkansas, we traveled to Atlanta and have spent this past week here at my parents home. It has been a blast and we have done a little shopping, and alot of loafing around. We are so blessed to be able to take it easy for a while during the holidays. Here are a few pics from the Christmas Holiday.
No Christmas would be complete without a "Mooning Santa". He is a jolly old guy who turns, drops his pants and gives you a holiday treat. Check out more of our family Christmas pics on flickr. Here's praying that all of you have a great holiday and a blessed new year.
Monday, December 20, 2004
In the New House
As of right now, the outside siding is mainly done and they have started hangin sheetrock. We are obviously very excited. They estimated move in date is February. I figure it will be after that.
Baptizing the Boys
Last Night the boys were baptized. They came to us and told us that they wanted to. So after a couple of discussions we felt like they were ready. As one of the perks of pastoring, Winfield (my father-in-law, the boys' Pa) asked me if I wanted to baptize them myself.
Winfield and I dunked them together and it was a very moving time. I read the song of Zechariah over them again and we all felt the deep meaning of the symbolism.
"And you, my little son, will be called the prophet of the Most High, because you will prepare the way for the Lord. You will tell His people how to find salvation through the forgiveness of their sins." Luke 1:76,77
Winfield and I dunked them together and it was a very moving time. I read the song of Zechariah over them again and we all felt the deep meaning of the symbolism.
"And you, my little son, will be called the prophet of the Most High, because you will prepare the way for the Lord. You will tell His people how to find salvation through the forgiveness of their sins." Luke 1:76,77
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Seeing No One, but being Seen
I decided to walk around the grounds today. I took a bunch of pictures and had a great time. Most memorable was the cemetery filled with cross markers on the graves of all of the monk brothers who have died here at Subiaco Abbey. I really enjoyed the architecture and the art. The stained glass is just magnificent. There is statuary all over the grounds and little grottos here and there for prayer.
Overwhelmingly as I walked around I got the feeling that I was being watched. I mean there are 40 or 50 monks around, and although I don’t see anyone, I am sure they are aware of me as I plod around through their home. Inside the halls of the monastery, every footsteps echoes. When you sniff inside of the Church it is like you are wearing a microphone. If I lived here I would have to learn to be quieter.
I have often heard that saying, that the silence was deafening. I don’t guess I really understood that until this week. During the afternoons when I would work along in my room, I would hear everything: the academy students outside, the water in the pipes, even my own breathing.
I found it easier to listen to God in this kind of quiet. It was also interesting to hear what my own heart had to say after a few days of my mouth not speaking. What does my heart say in the quiet? I know what I want it to say. Even in the stillness, when there is no one around to hear, I want my heart to brim with praises to my Father. Occasionally this week, I have heard my own heart, praise God, for no other reason except for the love that fills it.
I decided to walk around the grounds today. I took a bunch of pictures and had a great time. Most memorable was the cemetery filled with cross markers on the graves of all of the monk brothers who have died here at Subiaco Abbey. I really enjoyed the architecture and the art. The stained glass is just magnificent. There is statuary all over the grounds and little grottos here and there for prayer.
Overwhelmingly as I walked around I got the feeling that I was being watched. I mean there are 40 or 50 monks around, and although I don’t see anyone, I am sure they are aware of me as I plod around through their home. Inside the halls of the monastery, every footsteps echoes. When you sniff inside of the Church it is like you are wearing a microphone. If I lived here I would have to learn to be quieter.
I have often heard that saying, that the silence was deafening. I don’t guess I really understood that until this week. During the afternoons when I would work along in my room, I would hear everything: the academy students outside, the water in the pipes, even my own breathing.
I found it easier to listen to God in this kind of quiet. It was also interesting to hear what my own heart had to say after a few days of my mouth not speaking. What does my heart say in the quiet? I know what I want it to say. Even in the stillness, when there is no one around to hear, I want my heart to brim with praises to my Father. Occasionally this week, I have heard my own heart, praise God, for no other reason except for the love that fills it.
Monday, December 13, 2004
There are thousands of funny things floating around out there. I've kinda grown fond of the characters at Homestarrunner.com. It's mindless, juvenille and mildly off color, but mostly very creative and very funny. It's amazing what you can do with a computer and a funny voice. Hope you enjoy Homestarrunner. Stong Bad's Emails are my personal favorite. Check out what Wired Magazine had to say about it.
There is also a Homestarrunner wiki site.
Here a few pics from this weekend. The kids were in a church Christmas play on Saturday.
It is always alot of fun to watch the children perform. Their costumes were good too. I told Zeke he looked more like a Kung Fu Warrior than a shepherd. Joby looked the shepherd part well too, although he didn't like having to cover the Mohawk. "How do you know the shepherds didn't have a mohawks?" Abby was, of course, an angel.
On our way home Sunday Afternoon we ran into a group of Stunt riders on the highway. We stopped for a few minutes watched and took alot of pictures and video. It was the most dangerous and most exciting stuff I have ever seen in person. (And no, that is not my bike in the wheelie on the right.)
Abby took this pic of Zoe, and it caught her eyes just perfect.
It is always alot of fun to watch the children perform. Their costumes were good too. I told Zeke he looked more like a Kung Fu Warrior than a shepherd. Joby looked the shepherd part well too, although he didn't like having to cover the Mohawk. "How do you know the shepherds didn't have a mohawks?" Abby was, of course, an angel.
On our way home Sunday Afternoon we ran into a group of Stunt riders on the highway. We stopped for a few minutes watched and took alot of pictures and video. It was the most dangerous and most exciting stuff I have ever seen in person. (And no, that is not my bike in the wheelie on the right.)
Abby took this pic of Zoe, and it caught her eyes just perfect.
Seeking God or seeking something else?
Its getting later in the afternoon and I have been working on my material for CMA. And I have begun to think that God isn’t going to do some radical life altering deal here in me this week at Subiaco. I came here ‘seeking God’ or so I said. But I wonder if that was true? I wanted God to reveal more to me. Maybe He would allow something to happen in my life that would change me for the better. Maybe something would take place that would cause Jennifer and the kids to wonder what happened to me. To allow me to have a vision or a dream or some kind of neat deal that would define me as a super spiritual – a jedi, if you will. The more I think about it, the more I agree with God. He isn’t causing a statue to speak to me or giving me a dream about Macedonia because he knows that I would probably heap an event like that onto my pride. God is showing me that even the noblest of desires to have a deep walk with God can be perverted by my own pride.
He has shown me what is good and what the He requires of me: to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with Him. Forgive me Lord for want more than you have so graciously given me.
Its getting later in the afternoon and I have been working on my material for CMA. And I have begun to think that God isn’t going to do some radical life altering deal here in me this week at Subiaco. I came here ‘seeking God’ or so I said. But I wonder if that was true? I wanted God to reveal more to me. Maybe He would allow something to happen in my life that would change me for the better. Maybe something would take place that would cause Jennifer and the kids to wonder what happened to me. To allow me to have a vision or a dream or some kind of neat deal that would define me as a super spiritual – a jedi, if you will. The more I think about it, the more I agree with God. He isn’t causing a statue to speak to me or giving me a dream about Macedonia because he knows that I would probably heap an event like that onto my pride. God is showing me that even the noblest of desires to have a deep walk with God can be perverted by my own pride.
He has shown me what is good and what the He requires of me: to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with Him. Forgive me Lord for want more than you have so graciously given me.
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Rain and gloom
It’s Wednesday, and it hasn’t stopped raining yet. I have begun to wonder what this place looks like in the sunlight. The rain reminds me of God though, and about how he saturates the world and my life with his goodness. Sometimes, I wonder if after God has blessed me so much, I am unable to receive more blessings, like over saturated ground. I feel that way today. I feel like the spongy squishy ground that is so full of moisture the extra just runs off the top. God has rained down goodness on me and my family. His kindness is drenching us.
It’s Wednesday, and it hasn’t stopped raining yet. I have begun to wonder what this place looks like in the sunlight. The rain reminds me of God though, and about how he saturates the world and my life with his goodness. Sometimes, I wonder if after God has blessed me so much, I am unable to receive more blessings, like over saturated ground. I feel that way today. I feel like the spongy squishy ground that is so full of moisture the extra just runs off the top. God has rained down goodness on me and my family. His kindness is drenching us.
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
To me "Dude" remains a very important part of my vocabulary. I am certain that this makes me sound of below average intellect, however, I am prepared to deal with this perception. I also think that it is important to note that not just everyone you meet merits the title of "dude". These days I meet alot of punks, thugs and the ever popular, hip hop influenced, peeps.
Check out this story.
To me "Dude" remains a very important part of my vocabulary. I am certain that this makes me sound of below average intellect, however, I am prepared to deal with this perception. I also think that it is important to note that not just everyone you meet merits the title of "dude". These days I meet alot of punks, thugs and the ever popular, hip hop influenced, peeps.
Check out this story.
Why I don’t want to be a monk
I’m starting to get over the notion of Benedictine spirituality. (Not really, I just am more sure now than ever that I love the life that God has blessed me with.) Here are five reasons why I don’t want to be a monk.
1. I love my wife.
Now, I know that to be celibate is to be betrothed to the Lord. I know that God calls some to that vocation. But in my life, “the two have become one”. Jennifer and I share so much together. When we are apart it is really like I am only half-alive. I also know that the first things that run through your mind when you speak of celibacy, but outside of that, what about the emotions and the companionship? First of all, I passionately and madly love my wife, but I have also grown rather fond of being married. I think (for me at least) that it’s the good life.
2. I love my family.
My children are a blessing from the Lord. I know that ministry to them comes before ministry to others, and that is, honestly the way I like it. I met a friend the other day who told me that He and his wife were choosing to devote their lives to Christ and that children would only hinder them. I stared at him, half out of respect and half out of disbelief. He then asked me if I had any children. I smiled and held up 4 fingers. I never thought I could love anyone else, when Jen and I got married, yet with every birth in our family my love grows and my happiness swells.
3. I love the noise of my life.
O.K. this reason isn’t so noble, but you know it’s true. I’ve grown way accustomed to the noise of modern life. When the phone doesn’t ring or the game isn’t on the TV, I have to wonder what is wrong. And don’t get me started about internet and news. In 3 days, I feel like Robinson Crusoe. I fully realize that the constant banging of life, can hide the still small voice of God sometimes, and I am trying to work on that. But truly, I’m spoiled to a little bit of noise.
4. I am basically lazy and undisciplined
How else can you say it. I would rather lay in the bed than get up to pray with the brothers. I would much rather go out to outback for a steak that settle for the plain fair of the monk’s dining room. Who was it that said, "Aceticism is way over-rated"? I think it was lazy glutton American...no wait...it was me.
5. I rather like blue jeans and t-shirt.
Although it would solve the problem of what to wear, and the black floor length habits are very flattering, what would I do in one of those things? You always feel like a monk in a habit at any moment will pull out a light saber and tell you to, "Beware the dark side!" I truly admire the reasoning behind the habits. A large dose of simplicity would help me tremendously. These days though, I am so happy to have stopped working and dressing for the man every time I was going to be seen as doing some sort of "ministry". Here is to jeans and t-shirts, the new habit.
I’m starting to get over the notion of Benedictine spirituality. (Not really, I just am more sure now than ever that I love the life that God has blessed me with.) Here are five reasons why I don’t want to be a monk.
1. I love my wife.
Now, I know that to be celibate is to be betrothed to the Lord. I know that God calls some to that vocation. But in my life, “the two have become one”. Jennifer and I share so much together. When we are apart it is really like I am only half-alive. I also know that the first things that run through your mind when you speak of celibacy, but outside of that, what about the emotions and the companionship? First of all, I passionately and madly love my wife, but I have also grown rather fond of being married. I think (for me at least) that it’s the good life.
2. I love my family.
My children are a blessing from the Lord. I know that ministry to them comes before ministry to others, and that is, honestly the way I like it. I met a friend the other day who told me that He and his wife were choosing to devote their lives to Christ and that children would only hinder them. I stared at him, half out of respect and half out of disbelief. He then asked me if I had any children. I smiled and held up 4 fingers. I never thought I could love anyone else, when Jen and I got married, yet with every birth in our family my love grows and my happiness swells.
3. I love the noise of my life.
O.K. this reason isn’t so noble, but you know it’s true. I’ve grown way accustomed to the noise of modern life. When the phone doesn’t ring or the game isn’t on the TV, I have to wonder what is wrong. And don’t get me started about internet and news. In 3 days, I feel like Robinson Crusoe. I fully realize that the constant banging of life, can hide the still small voice of God sometimes, and I am trying to work on that. But truly, I’m spoiled to a little bit of noise.
4. I am basically lazy and undisciplined
How else can you say it. I would rather lay in the bed than get up to pray with the brothers. I would much rather go out to outback for a steak that settle for the plain fair of the monk’s dining room. Who was it that said, "Aceticism is way over-rated"? I think it was lazy glutton American...no wait...it was me.
5. I rather like blue jeans and t-shirt.
Although it would solve the problem of what to wear, and the black floor length habits are very flattering, what would I do in one of those things? You always feel like a monk in a habit at any moment will pull out a light saber and tell you to, "Beware the dark side!" I truly admire the reasoning behind the habits. A large dose of simplicity would help me tremendously. These days though, I am so happy to have stopped working and dressing for the man every time I was going to be seen as doing some sort of "ministry". Here is to jeans and t-shirts, the new habit.
Monday, December 06, 2004
My room
The room at the Coury house was nice. It was simple, but provided me with what I needed. There was a couch, two little beds, a little desk and a private bath. There was even a little balcony where I could look over the grounds (Although it rained all week).
I made up my mind that this was going to be my home for the week. This little room. No TV, no radio, no internet, just me, the laptop and some books. A little reading, a little writing, a little sleeping. All I had to do was complete the CMA Seasons of Refreshing material. Other than that, all I really wanted to do was seek God. Not to seek after him in a demanding way, like He was lost, but just to take time from my life to listen to what He might want to say to me. As Jennifer and I continue to make choices to serve God as best we can, I feel more and more that he has a unique calling on our family, that I don’t yet understand. I know that we are walking towards it today, but I am a little hungry for more understanding. It’s the whole what are we going to be when we grow up thing. Part of me, loathes myself for even wanting to know. I mean isn’t it enough just to trust the Father? But then I think, that He wouldn’t mind me wanting to know more. He can certainly not share if he doesn’t want to. It’s his prerogative.
The room at the Coury house was nice. It was simple, but provided me with what I needed. There was a couch, two little beds, a little desk and a private bath. There was even a little balcony where I could look over the grounds (Although it rained all week).
I made up my mind that this was going to be my home for the week. This little room. No TV, no radio, no internet, just me, the laptop and some books. A little reading, a little writing, a little sleeping. All I had to do was complete the CMA Seasons of Refreshing material. Other than that, all I really wanted to do was seek God. Not to seek after him in a demanding way, like He was lost, but just to take time from my life to listen to what He might want to say to me. As Jennifer and I continue to make choices to serve God as best we can, I feel more and more that he has a unique calling on our family, that I don’t yet understand. I know that we are walking towards it today, but I am a little hungry for more understanding. It’s the whole what are we going to be when we grow up thing. Part of me, loathes myself for even wanting to know. I mean isn’t it enough just to trust the Father? But then I think, that He wouldn’t mind me wanting to know more. He can certainly not share if he doesn’t want to. It’s his prerogative.
Friday, December 03, 2004
Why don’t they use lights in this place?
I set my alarm to go off at 5:15. As it started to beep, it was joined with the bells. (which chime every 15 minutes, and at a host of other times as well) I quickly got up and ready. I was out of my room in a few moments and left the retreat house in the drizzling rain and made my way to the Abbey Church. I don’t know if the dark rainy skies had much to do with it or not, but it was dark. On the sidewalk, monks started to join me. No one said anything. As I opened the door that said peace in the window I saw five or six monks moving by, the hall only lit by a candle sconce on the wall. Why don’t they use lights in this place?
These men meet here to pray in the morning every day of their lives. What more can you say? I was sort of astounded when I began to do the calculations. Brother Mel had told me the evening before that he had been at the Abbey 15 years. They told me of a brother who had died recently after having been at the Abbey since 1941. Here is commitment to prayer. Here is a form of devotion to God. Oddly though, I didn’t feel guilty.
As we prayed this morning we came to one of my favorite passages, taken from the prophecy of Zechariah over John the Baptist. “You my child shall be called the prophet of the Most High, for you shall go before the Lord to prepare His way, to bring his people knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of their sins.” (Luke 1) Once again, as I have felt so many times before, I felt the scripture speak directly to me. I grabbed hold of Zechariah’s words as if they were my own father’s. In fact, they sounded to me as if, Father God was encouraging me. I felt happy to be His child, confused by what He has for my future but confident in the knowledge that I was at least hearing his voice.
As the morning prayers ending, all of the monks hurried off to breakfast and then to work. I crept out the back door and went back to bed.
I set my alarm to go off at 5:15. As it started to beep, it was joined with the bells. (which chime every 15 minutes, and at a host of other times as well) I quickly got up and ready. I was out of my room in a few moments and left the retreat house in the drizzling rain and made my way to the Abbey Church. I don’t know if the dark rainy skies had much to do with it or not, but it was dark. On the sidewalk, monks started to join me. No one said anything. As I opened the door that said peace in the window I saw five or six monks moving by, the hall only lit by a candle sconce on the wall. Why don’t they use lights in this place?
These men meet here to pray in the morning every day of their lives. What more can you say? I was sort of astounded when I began to do the calculations. Brother Mel had told me the evening before that he had been at the Abbey 15 years. They told me of a brother who had died recently after having been at the Abbey since 1941. Here is commitment to prayer. Here is a form of devotion to God. Oddly though, I didn’t feel guilty.
As we prayed this morning we came to one of my favorite passages, taken from the prophecy of Zechariah over John the Baptist. “You my child shall be called the prophet of the Most High, for you shall go before the Lord to prepare His way, to bring his people knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of their sins.” (Luke 1) Once again, as I have felt so many times before, I felt the scripture speak directly to me. I grabbed hold of Zechariah’s words as if they were my own father’s. In fact, they sounded to me as if, Father God was encouraging me. I felt happy to be His child, confused by what He has for my future but confident in the knowledge that I was at least hearing his voice.
As the morning prayers ending, all of the monks hurried off to breakfast and then to work. I crept out the back door and went back to bed.
Bonds and the Juice
Being a fan of Hank Aaron, you think that maybe I would be happy that all this comes out on Bonds. (It's really nothing new, there has been talk about Bonds and steroid use for years). I've got friends, mainly Cardinal fans still upset that Bonds broke McGuire's single season homerun record, who are rejoicing now that Bonds is publicly discredited. "He's getting what he deserves" and "That just shows he wasn't for real..." are the things I am hearing.
But I don't feel that way.
I admit, when more talk about the "the clear" and "the cream" came out, I was thinking in the back of my mind, "maybe this will keep Him from breaking Hank Aaron's record", but then the sadness hit me. It's just not right, I mean for baseball and sports in general. Don't get me wrong, I love to watch Bonds play, but when the man is juiced up it almost seems like you are watching a scripted movie where the super human hero always wins in the end. It just seems to kill the realism. The part inside me that says, "That's just a normal guy like me, and check out what he is doing!" But maybe that's just part of growing up: realizing that the real heros aren't bionic sports stars, and robot rock and roll musicians, but really, your dad, your grandpa, and your uncles.
The fact for me still remains that Bonds can flat kill the ball. And you better believe that I will be watching as he hits 715, and 755 and 800. I say lets all put on our rose colored glasses and cheer for him as he cruises right past Hammerin' Hank. It is definitely going to fill the news for the next couple of years.
Being a fan of Hank Aaron, you think that maybe I would be happy that all this comes out on Bonds. (It's really nothing new, there has been talk about Bonds and steroid use for years). I've got friends, mainly Cardinal fans still upset that Bonds broke McGuire's single season homerun record, who are rejoicing now that Bonds is publicly discredited. "He's getting what he deserves" and "That just shows he wasn't for real..." are the things I am hearing.
But I don't feel that way.
I admit, when more talk about the "the clear" and "the cream" came out, I was thinking in the back of my mind, "maybe this will keep Him from breaking Hank Aaron's record", but then the sadness hit me. It's just not right, I mean for baseball and sports in general. Don't get me wrong, I love to watch Bonds play, but when the man is juiced up it almost seems like you are watching a scripted movie where the super human hero always wins in the end. It just seems to kill the realism. The part inside me that says, "That's just a normal guy like me, and check out what he is doing!" But maybe that's just part of growing up: realizing that the real heros aren't bionic sports stars, and robot rock and roll musicians, but really, your dad, your grandpa, and your uncles.
The fact for me still remains that Bonds can flat kill the ball. And you better believe that I will be watching as he hits 715, and 755 and 800. I say lets all put on our rose colored glasses and cheer for him as he cruises right past Hammerin' Hank. It is definitely going to fill the news for the next couple of years.
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