Monday, February 23, 2004

Passion Hype

As I have commented here earlier, we are all swept away with the hype surrounding Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ. Like so many others, I have opinions before I have even seen the movie. Even though I feel some weird feelings about it, I have already bought my tickets for Wednesday Night.

Spencer Burke of The Ooze, has once again captured some of my misgivings in this interesting article. Check it out here.

Yesterday was a very interesting day. In the morning we went to church with my Mom and Dad. It was a really great service. I am always flooded with emotions when I go back to the church where I spent my teenage life. I was very thankful for all the ways that God has carried me through life. He spoke to me so many times at that church, it was cool to visit.

After a good morning of nostalgia, I thought I would take it up a notch. So in the evening I went to visit Mableton Assembly of God where I went to church until I was 12. Talk about memories. My Grandma and Grandpa still go to church there and some of the same people were around. As we sang and prayed I remembered so many faces and services. I think that sometimes it is good to remember your heritage, and that's what I did.

After the service, Jennifer and I had a quick bite with Jeremy, my cousin and his wife Sue. It was a really good time as well. Jeremy is one of the most loving and compassionate and completely real persons you will ever meet. We had a few laughs and enjoyed our short time together.

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Notes from the Road

We have had a great couple of days. This week flew by as we made preparations for this next weeks trip to the Florida State CMA Rally and Daytona Bike week. When we finally left Mena Friday we stopped in for a Bible Club meeting with some students at Cabot High School in Arkansas. There was a band of students that played some great worship music and then we talked to them for a few minutes. All in all a very good night. From there we shot over to Memphis, got some sleep there and drove the rest of the way to Atlanta today. Tonight we are hanging out with my Mom and Dad and enjoying some time together. We plan on going to church with them tomorrow and spending the next few days here. I know it is going to be fun.

Thursday, February 12, 2004

A Drop in the Bucket
Frances Moore Lappe

We’re just a drop in the bucket, and that’s meaningless. But we say, ‘No, wait a minute. If you have a bucket, those raindrops fill it up very fast. Being a drop in the bucket is magnificent.’ The problem is we cannot see the bucket. Our work is helping people see that there is a bucket. There are all these people all over the world who are creating this bucket of hope. And so our drops are incredibly significant.

~It is really hard to maintain this type of perspective. One of the things that I feel the Lord is teaching Jennifer and I is that we need to become one of these people who call attention to the fact that there is a "bucket". We should be encouraging people that their little bit does matter, and that their role isn't insignificant, rather it is "magnificient".

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

40 year anniversary of the British Invasion

What happened following those first four appearances by the Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show in 1964 was unforescene and totally amazing. Not only was the musical world turned on its ear, but pop culture was practically invented. From that time on music and media would shape and mold our society in bigger ways than it ever had before. Certainly this cultural influence isn't entirely dependent on the weight of the talent of the Beatles, In fact, you could almost make an argument that Elvis, Rock and Roll, and the recent assasination of JFK were the powder and that John, Paul, George and Ringo were just the fuse. But to whatever degree you venerate the Beatles, you have to concede that 1964 was an interesting time in our history, a watershed of sorts. Check out this great article and tell me what you think.

Monday, February 09, 2004

Thoughts on Gibson's Passion
There is nothing as controversial the story of Jesus. As the Ash Wednesday release date of Gibson's The Passion of the Christ draws closer, I am sure that you will see more and more headlines and commotion. Newsweek has a large section devoted to the Passion and the controversy that surrounds it. (I am beginning to wonder if the so-called controversy isn't completely media induced. I mean if you go looking for someone to voice an objection it shouldn't be too hard to find them.) Interlinc has some cool resources for those who intend to use Gibson's movie as a teaching tool. But I have to admit, I just want to watch it. Like it or not, movies and the merchandising juggernauts behind them drive our lives. Won't it be interesting to see how Gibson treats this most told story of all times? Maybe I am just a sucker, but I love just about every Bible movie ever made. Sure I know that all of them have their inconsistencies and flaws, but I just love being carried into that time and setting. I mean I think about it and study it and picture it in my head all the time, so it is exciting to watch someone else's vision of Jesus' day in full color. Where I am excited most about watching this film is that Mel Gibson, at least in all the interviews and stories I have read, seems to have a deep genuine faith. That's funny, me and Mel have something in common...We both are really passionate about our faith and love the Christ of the gospel story.

My one fear is not that the movie will be mired in controversy and that people will say that it is "anti-semitic" or that Mel Gibson will be snubbed at next years Oscars. All of those things may or may not happen and will in the end, I think, only sell more tickets. What I wonder about is our predisposition to want to take what could be great and high art that appeals to the masses and pen it up in our "Christian Ghetto". If we aren't careful our desire to show that a Christian can make a good film or the Christian retailers desire to turn a buck, can turn a movie about the most significant story of all times into an overmarketed key chain. Not that I am ready to destroy all the the Passion Teen Study Bibles and the Passion Crown of Thorns T-Shirts, I just want to see the movie. I want to watch the movie and think about the Passion of my Christ. (rant over)

Here are a few important links for you to visit.

The Passion of the Christ - Official Movie Website.

The Passion - Unofficial Fan Site with materials to go deeper.

Thursday, February 05, 2004

The Sweet Life

A couple of nights ago, while things were settling down at the house, Zoe plopped down into a bean bag. She picked up a nintendo controller and acted like she was playing a game. That went on for a little while until a few minutes later when I looked down and saw this.

Zoe falls asleep

Like any other toddler, she goes and messes with things 24/7 so it's so cool to see her so quiet and peaceful like that. Jennifer and I savored the moment and thanked God for her, and for all the children.

Here is a recent pic of Abby looking into the sun and a vulture that Joby said I just had to put on my blog.

abby squints vulture

Monday, February 02, 2004

We had a great weekend. We made a quick dash over to Camden Friday, and came back Saturday. Pocket Full of Rocks, a favorite of ours, was playing at Union Mission as part of a Sacred Cry youth event. They were as always great. Sunday was a good day too. Sunday morning was good, and later we had some friends over to watch the Superbowl, which turned out to be a very exciting game. We also spent some time this weekend, doing some motorcycle shopping over the internet (still looking)